Frequently Asked Questions

We'll post responses to the most freqently asked questions here.

Do your pharmacies fill prescription medications other than domperidone?

Yes. The pharmacies in the network offer an extremely wide range of medication products; domperidone is only one of the products that they carry and dispense. It is worth asking our representatives for a price quote on any other medications you are taking, as you may be able to save money on them.

How do medications get to my home?

The medications are shipped by mail directly to your home.

How long does shipping take?

Typically, it is a good idea to allow two weeks for delivery. Some pharmacies and delivery methods do have shipment tracking available, and in those cases, you will be provided with a tracking number.

What payment options are available to me?

There are two primary methods of providing payment: mail a physical check or international money order, and electronic fund transfer. A representative will explore the options with you to determine which is the most suitable.

What currency are prices quoted in?

For consistency, prices are converted to USD as it is a global standard.

Do I need a prescription to order medications?

Yes. The pharmacies in the network are licensed by the bodies in the jurisdiction in which they operate. To dispense a prescription product, the pharamcy must receive a valid prescription.

What constitutes a valid prescription?

A valid prescription has several key 'ingredients'. It must contain: your physician's signature, and office address. The medication name must be present and legible. It must be dated, and the date must be not more than one calendar year in the past.

How much can I order at one time?

Most pharmacies will not dispense more than a three month supply, based on your prescription. There are different reasons for this e.g. If your prescription changes, you do not want to be 'stuck' with medications you cannot consume, so, it is best not to order too much at one time.

Where are the pharmacies in your network located?

They are located in several countries, including Canada, New Zealand, the UK, the USA, and India.

If your questions remain unanswered, please call us 1-866-744-8947

Our Representatives are Ready to Assist You

Our representatives have been helping people save money on prescription medications for over fifteen years.

Call us Toll Free 1-866-744-8947

Pharmacy Reviews

Reviews from patients who have used the pharmacies in our network.

"Ordering is excellent. Courteous, helpful staff. Prompt service."

E Adams - 4 years ago

"Every thing goes great nice people.Great prices."

D Vico - 4 years ago

"I am very satisfied with the service I have been receiving with you."

L Gange - 4 years ago

Top Reasons To Choose Us

The top reasons we hear from patients and physicians who choose our service.

  • Licensed Pharmacies
  • Professional and Experienced Represtantatives
  • North American Call Center
  • Easy Ordering Process
  • Free Refill Reminders
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Quick and Reliable Mail Order Delivery